Psalms 103-105

Let’s take a closer look at Psalm 105

What is your testimony of salvation? I love how pastor Joe always encourages us to serve with our time, talent, treasure, and TESTIMONY

When we share our personal story of how Jesus has saved us from sin, brought us from death to life spiritually, and is changing our lives on a daily basis, that has an incredible impact on others. 

This psalm is a call to praise the Lord and tell the world of God’s salvation throughout the history of the nation of Israel. 

It begins in verses 1-3 as a call to praise the Lord, and to make known the deeds of the Lord. Verse 3 actually says “glory in his name,” the Hebrew word for “glory or honor” literally means “boast.” We are to brag on, or boast about, the Lord and all He has done! 

Verses 4-9 tell us to “seek” the Lord continually, or in other words, to be faithful in pursuing the Lord at all times and to remember His faithfulness. The emphasis of this psalm is that; we are to seek the Lord and to share our testimony of His faithfulness to His covenant promises. 

Then verses 10-44 are pretty much a summary of God’s faithfulness to His covenant promises, to the nation of Israel. He mentions first his covenant with Abraham and Isaac in verse 9, then to Jacob in verse 10, then to Joseph in verse 17, and finally his covenant to Moses and Aaron in verse 26. I encourage you to read it and follow the history and acts of Gods faithfulness in detail. It is so Good! 

What David is doing is showing the reader that God is faithful to keep his promises to His people! And he is showing us that through recorded history in God’s word. 

Did you know that the Bible is one long testimony of God’s faithfulness to keep His promise of salvation throughout history?

Just think about it: after the fall of Adam and Eve, in Genesis 3:15, God makes a promise to the serpent that God will crush him with the Messiah. From that point on, God is in pursuit to bring His creation back into right relationship with himself and He works all of history to bring about the Messiah, which is God’s son, Jesus, to save anyone who would trust in Him for salvation! 

This should bring us to a place of humility and adoration of God in His faithfulness to keep His salvation promise! This is why David starts out with a call to praise and to tell of all GOD has done! Because this life is not about me and you! God’s WORD isn’t even about me and you – it’s for us, but not about us! It is about GOD and His faithfulness to love us and keep His promises, even though we do not deserve it! This is what grace is! 

So, like David says, our response should be to, “give thanks to the Lord for he is good” (verse 1) “Make known his deeds among all peoples” (verse 1) “Sing praise to him.” (verse 2) “Glory in His name.” (verse 3) “Seek the Lord continually.”(verse 4)….because God is so faithful to keep His promises! He deserves our praise, He deserves our lives – not just a portion or our leftovers! He deserves all of us! 

May your story and your testimony be about bragging on all God has done in and through your life, especially through salvation in Jesus Christ! May we be a church who unashamedly shares our testimony of all God has done in and through our lives! The amazing thing is that God’s not finished with you; His salvation story is not done because Jesus will one day return and make all things new again! We will see the final victory: God’s final act of covenant faithfulness through the return of Jesus Christ, our salvation!